Friday, July 30, 2010

Separation Anxiety

Next week Grant will start Kindergarten. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about what a change it will be for both him and I.  We've probably spent more time together over the past 5 & 1/2 years than anyone else in our family.  From those late night feedings as an infant, to countless hours of building train tracks and playing tackle with him as a toddler, to weekly trips to Target just to get out of the house.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Together.  Basically, we've been best friends as well as mother and son. 

After this week, most of his waking time will be spent outside of the home, away from me.  I'm not sad that my baby is leaving my side.  I'm more concerned about what he will be exposed to. Will he make friends? Will he talk to his teacher?

I'm excited that he will be challenged academically as well as socially. Much of his day currently consists of him asking if he can watch TV or play X-Box.  Recently, it's all I can do to get him to color a picture or read a book to me.   As many kindergartners will be learning letter sounds and how to read, Grant will be adjusting to being away from home for 7 hours a day five days a week. 

The question remains-- Who will have the hardest time coming to terms with our impending separation?  Me or him? 

I'm betting on Grant.

But hoping (in that best friend/motherly sort of way)

that it will be me.

Monday, July 19, 2010

More Firsts

Over the past couple of weeks Drew has had many more firsts.

He finished his first week of swim school.. He did more crying than swimming, but only because mommy wasn't in the pool with him.

He had his first (and please God, only) surgery, tubes in his ears.  The surgery lasted literally 5 minutes.  The hardest part was keeping him preoccupied from food for the two hours we had to wait until they took him back.  He woke up fairly happy from the anesthesia, and we were home by 9:30am.

He's learned new animal sounds. Braloo for elephant, roar for lion, and buzz for bee.  I know.  What's the big deal?  Well, it's the cutest thing ever.

He goes around the house like baby Stewie from Family Guy saying "Mommy. Mommy, Mommy.  Mommy.  Mommy. Mommy.  Mommy.  Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.  Mommy.  Hi."

His newest words/sayings are "hot', "tractor", "caterpillar", and "I get you."  He doesn't actually pronounce the latter two, but from his tone and syllables you can make it out.

And he now has an affirmative response for questions you ask him....

Me-  Drew, do you want to go outside and swing?

Drew- YAY!

Me-  Drew, Do you want a snack? 

Drew- YAY!

And what is definitely the MOST sweetest thing ever.... when Danny or I pick him up to hold him, Drew will pat our chest and say a perfectly clear ...